WP1 : MGT: Project Management |
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MGT: Project Management
Contact person : M.L Dubernet
Objectives : The SUP@VAMDC support project involves 10 partners participants from 6 European Union member states (the OBSPARIS partner involves different partners and 2 third parties), 3 partners in ICPC countries: Brazil, India, South Africa, one partner in the Republic of Korea, external partners in the USA, in Australia and in Japan, and IAEA as an associate partner. WP Lead:
Description of work : The Management structure will include a number of Boards, each with well defined remits and responsibilities. The designated Boards are:
Comprising the Coordinator of the Network, three Deputy Coordinators and a Project Manager (to be funded by the e-infrastructure and based at the Coordinator’s institute). The ET will act as the ‘daily’ project management team with responsibility for monitoring the progress of the SUP@VAMDC e-infrastructure and ensure decisions taken at the Project Board are implemented. Such a small team is necessary to deliver clear and decisive management on short time scales. The ET will also act as the direct point of contact for the Commission. The ET will be delegated necessary powers by the Project board (PB) to act on issues that require immediate response but will be answerable for such actions to the PB. The three deputy coordinators are members of the Project Board.
This Board will be the major strategic decision-making body and will have the prime responsibility for ensuring the success of the project and compliance with the terms of the EU Contract. Membership will consist of one representative from each legal entity signing the contract (Contractual Legal Entity: CLE) , i.e. the nominated ‘Scientist in charge’ as defined by the contract, representatives of the departments within a CLE when they have quite distinct roles within the proposal. The external/associate members will be invited to the Project Board meetings with no voting rights over the budget and administrative issues. It has final control of the budget and the allocation of tasks and resources. It will meet once a year face-to-face and at other times as required by teleconference and will be chaired by the Coordinator.
The EPT includes WPs leaders (WP2 to WP5). The EPT will have bi-monthly teleconference meetings (more if necessary) as well as annual face-to-face meetings. It will collect reports from WPs and prepare the annual technical reports for the PB. The EPT will be co-chaired by the technical Deputy Coordinator and the deputy coordinator for sustainability who are members of the Project Board and will appropriately advise the PB on the technical validity and relevance of the project strategic plans. The three main tasks of WP1 are (i) the initial establishment of the management structure and its supporting communication tools (ii) the operation of this structure including the organisation of the annual meetings and, at the termination of the project, (iii) the delivery of the final reports. Tasks: Task1: Initial establishment of the management structure and tools (OBSPARIS(1)) Project Months 1 -2 will be entirely devoted to establishing the working structures of SUP@VAMDC. The core of the executive team will be set-up at the coordinating institute (OBSPARIS), and the team will open the project’s Central Web Page at OBSPARIS. The Executive Board will establish communication with all consortium members and prepare the project kick-off meeting which will take place in PM 2. The kick-off meeting will include meetings of the Project Board, of the EPT, and will approve the SUP@VAMDC project plan. The official SUP@VAMDC website will use the sup.vamdc.eu domain, part of the vamdc.eu domain. The project logo will be a composition of the VAMDC logo with the “SUP” letters added. Task2: Project Management (lead by OBSPARIS(1), all partners)Following the ‘kick off meeting’ the project will enter its phase of regular operations, with annual Project Board and EPT meetings and the organisation of two annual meetings . Detailed annual and final reports will be prepared by the Executive Board for presentation to the Project Board. The report will include reviews from all the WPs. The report will be reviewed and ratified by the Project Board for transmission to the Commission. Budgetary reports will be assembled by the Project Manager on the Executive Board with particular attention to detailing the spend patterns in the past year and making forecasts for forthcoming year. Should it be necessary to alter spend patterns in forthcoming year the Executive Board will make recommendations to the PB for its Approval. The project will actively participate in the concertation activities and meetings related with e-infrastructures area. The project may offer advice and guidance and receiving information related to 7th Framework programme implementation, standardisation, policy, EU Member States initiatives or relevant international initiative. The Management will enforce that a proper acknowledgement of the source funding (the FP7 logo and the European Commission logo) will be done in all dissemination activities. The dissemination policies will be given on the public website. A self-evaluation matrix will be maintained in order to monitor the performance of the project according to the Baseline section Task3: Termination of the project (OBSPARIS(1)) At the end of the project the last task will be the production and delivery to the Commission of the final report and budget.
Deliverables: MGT: Project Management
Milestones : WP1 |