SUP@VAMDC (2012 - 2014)

Executive Project Team (EPT) PDF Print E-mail

Executive Project Team (EPT)




Chair :


The Executive Project Team includes the leaders of all WPs. In case of need, each WP leader may be represented at Team meetings by a nominated deputy with voting rights. The EPT will be chaired by the Deputy Coordinator who is a member of the Project Board and who will appropriately advise the PB on the technical validity and relevance of the project strategic plans. The Executive Project Team is the core of the management structure from the technical point of view, making sure that the project WPs have a common view and that planned work is well coordinated with other similar international projects. The EPT is planned to be very ‘hands on’ , thus it will have monthly teleconference meetings (more if necessary) as well as annual face-to-face meetings. The EPT will collect reports from WPs and prepare the annual technical reports for the PB. The Project Coordinator will have a standing invitation to participate in the meetings.


List of EPT members : (WP Leaders)


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