SUP@VAMDC (2012 - 2014)

Project Board (SPB) PDF Print E-mail

SUP@VAMDC Project Board (SPB)

This Board will be the major strategic decision-making body and will have the prime responsibility for ensuring the success of the project and compliance with the terms of the EU Contract. Membership will consist of:

a) one representative from each legal entity signing the contract (Contractual Legal Entity: CLE), i.e. the nominated ‘Scientist in charge’ as defined by the contract.

b) the external partners and associate partners will be invited to participate in the Board, but won’t have voting rights concerning all financial and administrative issues of the project.

The PB has final control of the budget and the allocation of tasks and resources. The PB will meet at the kick-off meeting and at the 2 Annual Meetings, and at other times (as required) by teleconference and will be chaired by the Coordinator.


List of SPB members :



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