Atomic and Molecular Data Unit
Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, IAEA
Partner contact person: Bas Braams
The International Atomic and Molecular Data Centres Network (DCN) related to fusion research are coordinated by the IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, headed by Dr Bas Braams. The DCN includes 12 national data centres that are engaged in collection, evaluation, dissemination and partly production of atomic, molecular and plasma-material interaction (A+M/PMI) data for fusion and other applications. In addition to several European centres the DCN includes A+M data groups at NIST (USA), NIFS and JAEA (Japan), KAERI and NFRI (Korea) and IAPCM (China).. The DCN represents one of the main instruments by which the international fusion related A+M/PMI data collection and evaluation programmes are implemented. The IAEA A+M Data Unit and VAMDC, together with IST, have an ongoing collaboration on the development of XSAMS and several members of the DCN are strongly interested in use of XSAMS on their databases. As coordinator of the DCN the IAEA A+M Data Unit is an associate partner in SUP@VAMDC with no support from the EU.
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