SUP@VAMDC (2012 - 2014)

The Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories PDF Print E-mail

The Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories at the Australian National University

Partner contact person: Stephen Buckman

The Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, are the host Node for the Australian Research Council's CENTRE FOR ANTIMATTER-MATTER STUDIES (CAMS) which is directed by Prof. Stephen Buckman. CAMS is a collaboration between 6 Australian Universities and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and, amongst other activities, the participants carry out experimental and theoretical studies of POSITRON and ELECTRON interactions with atoms, molecules, and surfaces. A wide array of scattering processes are studied, and cross sections for elastic, total, vibrational, electronic, ionization and positronium formation are measured and/or calculated. is the Center Research Director of CAMS this Institute. They are also members of the APAN network.

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