SUP@VAMDC (2012 - 2014)

UNISA PDF Print E-mail

University of South Africa

Partner contact person: Prof. D. P. Smits

Profile: The Department of Mathematical Sciences, in pursuance of the vision of the University of South Africa, commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the fields of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Astronomy, by:

- Providing study material of the highest quality.

- Actively participating in learner support and cooperative mathematics education programs.

- Presenting tuition relevant to the needs of the African continent and its people.

Role of UNISA in the project: UNISA will provide the outreach towards African countries through dissemination to researchers and students, organising workshops and tutorials, creating a Regional VAMDC Outreach Website.

Key person:

Prof. D. P. Smits,
Senior lecture

Expertise: Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (star-forming regions, Modelling of nebular gases using the photoionization code CLOUDY).

Role in project: Extension of VAMDC to South Africa, Training towards students, consultation on CLOUDY (important application code using a lot of atomic and molecular data).

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