CORDIS was the European Commission’s first permanent website in 1994. Its content dates back to the 1990s and it provided web services for FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and other EC research and innovation activities.
Web archives
All archived web content has been transferred to the Internet Memory website. The links in the table below will lead you to captures of the archived pages that have been moved from CORDIS to the Internet Memory .
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013)
FP7 Home Page
- International Cooperation
- Regions of knowledge
- Research for the Benefit of SMEs
- Research Infrastructures
- Research Potential of Convergence Regions
- Science in Society
- Support to the Coherent Development of Research Policies
- Energy
- Environment (including Climate Change)
- Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Biotechnology
- Health
- Information and Communication Technologie (ICT)
- Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies
- Security
- Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities
- Space
- Transport (including Aeronautics)
Coordination of Research Activities
- Article 185 Initiatives
- Joint Technology Initiative
The Seventh Framework Programme of the European Energy Community (Euratom) for nuclear research and training activities (2007 to 2011)
- Direct Actions
- Indirect Actions
- Fusion Energy Research
- Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection
Joint Research Centre
Other R&D Programmes
- Research Fund for Coal and Steel
- ETP – European Technology Platforms
- ESTEP – European Steel Technology Platform
- IMS – Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6, 2002-2006)
FP6 Home page
Thematic areas
- Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
- Information society technologies (IST)
- Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and new production processes and devices (NMP)
- Aeronautics and space
- Food quality and safety
- Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems
- Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society
Cross-cutting activities
- Research for policy support
- New and emerging science and technology (NEST)
- SME activities
- International co-operation activities
- Co-ordination of research activities
- Development of research/innovation policies
Structuring ERA
- Research and Innovations
- Marie Curie Actions - Human resources and mobility
- Research infrastructures
- Science and Society
EURATOM (Nuclear energy)
- FP6 Euratom Homepage
- Controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Management of radioactive waste
- Radiation protection
- Other activities in the field of nuclear technologies and safety
- Horizontal activities
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5, 1998-2002)
FP5 programmes
Thematic areas
- Quality of life and management of living resources
- User-friendly information society (IST)
- Competitive and sustainable growth (GROWTH)
- Energy, environment and sustainable development (EESD)
Horizontal Programmes
- Confirming the international role of Community research (INCO II)
- Improving human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base
Fifth (Euratom) Framework Programme
- Research and Training in the field of Nuclear Energy
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4, 1994-1998)
FP4 Homepage
Information and Communications Technologies
- Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (ACTS)
- Information Technologies (ESPRIT)
- Telematics Applications
Industrial Technologies
- Industrial and Materials Technologies (BRITE/EURAM)
- Standards, Measurements and Testing (SMT)
- Environment and Climate
- Marine Sciences and Technologies (MAST III)
Life Sciences and Technologies
- Biotechnology (BIOTECH 2)
- Biomedecine and Health (BIOMED 2)
- Agriculture and Fisheries (FAIR)
- Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA)
- Transport Research Programme
Targeted Socio-Economic Research
- Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER)
- European Technology Assessment Network (ETAN)
Cooperation with Third Countries and International Organisations
- International Cooperation (INCO)
Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
- Innovation Programme
Stimulation of the training and mobility of researchers
- Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR)
Related programmes
ERA – European Research Area
- FORESIGHT – Science and Technology Foresight
- STI-ERA - Science and Technology Indicators for the European Research Area
Focus On Innovation
- AWARENESS - Increasing Awareness of Innovation
- EASW - European Awareness Scenario Workshop
- EIMS - European Innovation Monitoring System (SPRINT Committee 1989-1994)
- ENS - European Networks and Services (Innovation Programme, 1994-1998)
- FINANCE - Financing Innovation (1994-1998)
- IMT - Promotion of Innovation Management Techniques in SME's ( 1994-1998)
- INCUBATORS - European Database on Business Incubators (2001)
- INNOVATION - Innovation programme in FP4 (1994-1998)
- INNOVATION POLICY - Innovation Policy Studies (until 2006)
- INNOVATION PORTAL - European Innovation Portal (2002-2006)
- INTERFACES - Interfaces, Science, Technology, Society (1994-1998)
- IPR - Intellectual Property Rights (1998-2004)
- PATINNOVA '99 - Patinnova '99 Conference (Thessaloniki, 1999)
- PAXIS - Supporting innovative start-ups (2002-2006)
- RI - Research and Innovation Support for SME's
- SCOREBOARD - Innovation Scoreboard (2001-2005)
- TDSP - Training and Dissemination Schemes Projects ( 1994-1998)
- TVP - Technology Transfer & Technology Validation Projects (1994-1998)
Other R&D websites
- ASEM - The Asia-Europe Conference (London, 1998)
- CERIF 2000 - Common European Research Project Information Format (2000)
- COHESION - Cohesion, Competitiveness and RTD & Innovation Policies (1998)
- CO-OPET - Support initiative for the Organisations for Promotion of Energy and Transport Technologies (2002-2002)
- COST - European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
- COST TIST - COST Telecommunications, Information Science and Technology (1998-2002)
- COST Transport ( 1998-2002)
- CRIS 98 Cybercafe - Current Research Information Systems in Europe Conference (Luxembourg, 1998)
- CRIS 2000 - Current Research Information Systems in Europe Conference (Helsinki, 2000)
- eContent - European Digital Content Programme (Information Society 2001-2005)
- Infosec
- Nanotechnology
- SCIENCE WEEK - European Science and Technology Week (2000-2006)
- SECURITY - Security Research (2004-2006)
- SYNERGY - International cooperation in the energy sector (Energy FP 1998-2002)
- Telematics Libraries
Publications archives
All publications produced by CORDIS are available on EU Bookshop .
The research*eu focus magazine was produced from 2009 to 2017 to cover specific topics of research interest. It was replaced by the research*eu Results Packs.
Before 2008, the CORDIS
family of publications provided updates on EU research,
RTD Results Supplements
Thematic Supplements
SME Supplements
Last updated: 2018-01-03